When your short on cash, things suck. Here's how to deal with that problem:
- I struggle with money most.
- What's your question?
- I don’t want to have to constantly worry about money. I HATE IT!
- Yes, I totally understand. But what's your question??
- I literally have no money to spend on anything, so how can I “invest in my career” like everyone says?
- Ok, good question. You need to first figure out exactly how much money you need to invest in your career (or how much money you need in general to pay your expenses). Go read the page on Clarity and Focus so that you have a better idea of what you should spend your time and money on. Once you figure out what you need to do, then ask yourself, "What is it going to cost?" Once you figure that out and have a clear number in mind (note - CLEAR number, not some wishy washy, "about $500/month"), it's usually easy to figure out how to get the money. You can ask someone for help, you can find a part time job, or you can start freelancing - check out this page for detailed guidance. But until you know exactly how much money you're going to need, there is no point to worrying about money because you'll just be worrying without a clear goal in mind.