Break Through Your Plateau
Why are you doing this? What's the deep-rooted reason you're an actor? By finding the answer to this question, you'll be unconsciously pulled towards making your goals become real and it will be easier to break through your plateau.
Although it can be tempting to just want to jump in and start doing random tactics to get paid work, it's much more important to first look at where you are, why you're doing this, and what you really want.
Here's what we'll cover:
- Learn how to uncover your real purpose - the underlying driver of why you act. Without knowing this, you'll never be willing to give it your all because you'll always be wondering... what am I doing this for? Here you'll answer a short series of questions designed to uncover what really drives you at the deepest level.
- Set goals that are specific, measurable, actionable, results-focused, and timed. Once you find your purpose, it's time to set some very specific goals that excite you and that you'll easily be able to measure as you move towards them. Without goals, you'll have no idea what actions to take!
- Clearly define your "why" to build drive and an intense desire to take action. Without a clear why and leverage to move yourself in the right direction, you'll quickly conk out and give up.
- Create action items and start setting up systems to achieve your goals. We'll discuss how to systematize your action plan so that you easily and automatically start moving towards your goals with what seems like little effort.
Are you ready to take action and dive right in? Click the button below to get started: